Gallipoli District

Its recent name is Gallipoli, meaning beautiful city. Its name today is derived from this word. According to Ottoman sources, the city, which was named Yelibol due to the high wind, later turned into Gallipoli.
Historical and touristic importance of the route: Gallipoli was a sanjak and sanjak center after the conquest, as well as Rumelia's first Pasha flag. Later, it gained a reputation as a maritime administration center. The captain of the Ottoman navy has taken this place as its center. II. 7 out of 26 works built in Gelibolu during the Murat period have survived to the present day, and most of the buildings of the Fatih period have been destroyed. In 1915, the Gelibolu Peninsula was bombed during the Çanakkale Wars and it was destroyed in places. After that, the city was occupied by the Greeks on August 4, 1920, but was abandoned on October 3, 1922. Gelibolu became the center of the province at the beginning of the Republic period (1923), this situation continued until 1926 and on this date it was transformed into a district center. Gallipoli has hosted a lot of culture. After the Bolshevik revolt in 1920, White Army troops under the Russian General Pyotr Wrangel were brought to Istanbul from Crimea, and some of the incoming army came to Gallipoli. Russian soldiers settled here and stayed in Gallipoli until May 1923. Again in 1492, the King of Spain, II. The Jews who were expelled from their countries by Ferdinand, the Ottoman sultan of the period, II. Bayezit embraced them and some of the Jews who migrated to the Ottoman Lands were settled in Gallipoli. Gelibolu Mevlevihane, which is the second biggest Mevlevihane in the world, is also here.

Gallipoli Castle

The fort is around the government mansion. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. According to Evliya Çelebi, the castle was a 6-sided castle built on steep and cut rocks. It had 70 towers. XVII in the castle. In the middle of the century there were 300 single-storey houses, kethüda, artillery head and Cebeci chief mansions, water cisterns, mosque and sultan's treasure. There is only one tower left from the castle. The port, on the other hand, consists of two parts, and a narrow pass separates its connection with the sea. The bridge used as a road divides the port into two. Small boats passing under the bridge are usually anchored in the inner pool. The tower rises next to the inner pool and is open to our people as the Piri Reis Museum.

This castle and museum, where history meets today, will carry you from ancient times to the present.

Hallac-ı Mansur

It is at the junction of the road that deviates to the lighthouse on the Hamzakoy road. There are two graves inside the tomb. It is not known exactly who they are. One of the graves belongs to the woman. Previously, the hallaç spring and clapper were hung on the wall of this tomb. The tomb, which was previously neglected, was restored in 1971 and in 2007 and brought to its current state. Hallac-ı Mansur was killed in Baghdad because of his unique beliefs in Islam. His tomb is in Baghdad. However, there are Hallac-ı Mansur authorities in different places. The tomb in Gallipoli is one of the seven offices.

It is one of the historical artifacts worth seeing in Gallipoli.

Flag Father Mausoleum

The Mausoleum of Bayraklı Baba is located at the entrance to the lighthouse square of the city, on the slope overlooking the Hamza Bey bay. The monument consists of a marble tomb in a small garden. The grave and its surroundings are decorated with large and small stacks of hanging flags.

Bayraklı father is known as a place of dedication. He hangs a flag as a votive for the wish of the people. Bayraklı Baba, whose real name is Karaca Bey, is a valiant sailor who served as a flag-bearer in the Ottoman navy. He was martyred in 1410 with his flag in the war with the Byzantine navy off Marmara Yassıada. He was buried near the beach in Gallipoli, the headquarters of the navy, and his tomb was decorated with flags upon his will.

Bayraklı Baba, whose last word was "Never miss a flag from my grave", prevented it from being taken by the enemy by shattering and swallowing the flag when he was surrounded by enemies and when he was wounded, his commander showed the pieces of the flag he swallowed by cutting his own stomach to prove his honesty and gave his last breath.

Namazgah (Azepler Mosque)

Namazgah, an open-air mosque in Fener square, which is a wide area against the Bosphorus and Marmara in Gallipoli, was built in 1407 by Hacı Paşaoğlu İskender Bey.

Namazgah was built for naval riflemen who went on expedition. When the punishments went on a campaign, they would pray here collectively. The most magnificent of such structures is described as the most beautiful. It is in the form of a main room with a railing and an open top, measuring 12.50x10.00 meters. It has two minbars, one with a cone and the other open, and a marble mihrab. There are decorated windows on the sides of the mihrab. The inscribed door is sliced ​​and rumi. The mihrab is in a marble niche.

Do not go without seeing this 15th century place.

Gallipoli Mevlevihane

The Mevlevihane, which was established in the 17th century (probably before 1621), has the largest land and the most majestic Semahane among these fifteen Asitanes. The remains of the buildings consist of the semahane-tomb and the crown gate located in the Hamza bay military zone and close to the seaside. Today, it is the second largest Mevlevihane in the world. The builder and first postnish of the Mevlevihane is Ağazade Mehmet Doğru Dede, son of Kara Hasan Ağa, one of the janissaries. The Mevlevihane was called Ağazade Dervish Lodge in its name. During World War I, Burhaneddin Dede, the last sheikh of the Mevlevihane, joined the Mevlevi regiment under the command of the Fourth Army with his seven dervishes and stayed in Damascus for three years. The Mevlevihane, which was used as an arsenal after Gallipoli was occupied by the enemy, was bought and repaired by the General Directorate of Foundations in 1994, after being in the military area for a long time, it was opened to visitors on September 17, 2005.

In addition to meeting the spiritual needs of people as a center of decency and wisdom in history, the Mevlevihane also functioned as a culture and art center. Sema Ceremonies are held every month by the Association for the Preservation of the Gelibolu Mevlevi Lodge and the Promotion of the Mevlevi Culture.

Gallipoli Light House

Gelibolu Lighthouse, which is in a position to control Çanakkale Strait entrance, is 34 meters above sea level. The light flashing from the tower, which was built as a masonry building and has a height of 9 meters, can be seen from 15 nautical miles away. It was arranged as a nose park with a magnificent panorama, where the lighthouse, which has been in service since 1856 during the Ottoman Empire period. The lighthouse is known by the sailors all over the world with the word "Gallipoli Light House", which is expressed in the radio speeches of the transit ship captains passing through the Dardanelles. At the beginning of the road to the lighthouse, Hallacı Mansur Mausoleum and Azebler Mosque prayer is seen next to the lighthouse.

The area around the Gelibolu Lighthouse is used as a recreation area today and you can relax and watch the Bosphorus.