
Troia Tusan Hotel Explore Nature Routes-2 Perfect Dardanelles Shores Blended with Nature including swimming and coastal fishing spots

Troia Tusan Hotel Explore Nature Routes-3 Impressive atmosphere, unique panorama coupled with best shores blended with perfect Nature including swimming and coastal fishing spotsTroia Tusan Hotel has perfect natural location under the pine trees. Besides the hotel, several natural trekking routes are available. Some trekking routes are marked with Wikiloc programme. These routes are shared with our guests with Wikiloc application available @

Moreover, there is an internationally issued  120 Km cultural walking route called, Troy Cultural Route from ancient Troy to Assos. This route was established within the scope of an international tourism development project which is finalised in 2018.  The 90 Km of the route pass from Alexandria Troas to Assos, which is also stated in Luca Bible regarding the journey of St Paul. That part is also so called St. Paul Way. The route can be walked in 4 days and clearly marked. There are IOS and Android application for the Troy Cultural Route. Further details are available

After 5 Km from Troia Tusan Hotel, The Troy National Park starts. The area is 144 SQKM including 7 villages, 14 touristical attractions including Achilles and Ajax Tumulasi. In the TROY NATIONAL PARK, several hidden beaches are available on the shores.

Click for Troia Tusan Hotel Discovery Routes.

Alone with Nature in Pine Trees

Your Dream Vacation in Nature, Against the Dardanelles